Sunday, December 6, 2009

December Tips for Extraordinary Living by Philip E. Humbert, PhD

Welcome to TIPS for Extraordinary Living!
SundayDecember 6, 2009
Written & Published by Philip E. Humbert, PhD
Visit our website at:

Table of Contents:

1. The One-Minute TIP
2. Welcome Notes
3. Your Personal Achievement System
4. Quotes of the Week
5. Strictly Business: Your Partner Will Buy You Stuff
6. Resources and Tools for YOUR Success!
7. Humor: The Fickle Finger of Fame

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1. The One-Minute TIP

To achieve extraordinary success, your Personal Achievement System™ must help you understand yourself and the world in which you live. High achievers see real opportunities and have effective “maps” or problem-solving systems so they can navigate efficiently (and quickly!) to any goal they set for themselves.

2. Welcome Notes

The holiday season is officially upon us and I wish each of you a wonderful, festive and peaceful holiday. TIPS subscriber around the world practice a rich variety of faiths, but I’ve noticed that whatever traditions we observe, almost every culture celebrates at this time of year. So this time, let’s make it extra special!

Whatever faith or tradition you follow, plan to go “all out” this year. It doesn’t take money to set aside time f or worship and thanksgiving, or to extend a hand to someone who needs it. In our home, we celebrate Christmas, so with love and respect for your own traditions, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and send best wishes for a New Year of peace, love and prosperity.

And on a practical note, I’ve got an extraordinary Freebie of the Month for you in December! This is the time we set goals for the new year, and the key is to set goals that excite and empower you. That’s why I started with my Goal-Setting 101™ ebook to help you design goals that will truly motivate you! If you’ve struggled with “New Year’s Resolutions” or goals in the past, I think you’ll like this! And, to make sure you achieve your goals in 2010, you’ll receive 12 monthly reminders to stay on course, stay focused, and mark your progress throughout the year! (There’s even an option to add monthly coaching calls!) It’s the most powerful Freebie I’ve ever do ne. Get yours at: 

And as always, my only request is that you encourage friends and colleagues (anyone with goals for the new year) to get their own copy. I think you’ll like this!

3: Your Personal Achievement System (PAS)™

Whether we know it or not, we all have a system for reaching our goals.

When you wanted to learn to ride a bike, get married, start a business, invest for retirement or achieve any other important goal, you probably followed a plan that is “yours” because it’s what you “usually do.” Some of us instinctively join a group (does Weight Watchers
 come to mind?) or we seek a mentor (we ask “Uncle Joe” for advice), we go to the library, or we ponder the problem until we find a solution.

Whatever your system, the question is, Does it work for you?

Too many of us have systems that don’t work, or even worse, we have systems that work just “well enough” that we keep struggling with them. They are inefficient or unreliable. They lead us through dead-ends or too much frustration. High achievers have systems that are efficient, reliable, and help them reach their goals quickly!

I’ve pondered this issue for about 30 years, and while the answers are far more complex than we can cover in this short article, I think there are four basic components in every effective Personal Achievement System™. In looking at your system for 2010, consider these necessary steps:

1. Know thyself. About 3000 years ago, Socrates observed that we do not know ourselves very well. We have only the most basic insight to our strengths and weaknesses, our talents, our desires and our short-comings. Sometimes, we are mistaken about our abilities and limitations.

Sometimes we don’t take advantage of our natural talents because we fail to recognize them. Even more often, we stumble ahead, stubbornly ignoring our own limitations. Successful people know who they are. They know their strengths and use them to create lives of unusual achievement.

2. Understand your world. Too many of us are “tilting at windmills.” We may be trying to sell goods or services the world doesn’t want. Or, we are trying to charge for something the world doesn& rsquo;t value as much as it “should.” Teachers probably know this better than anyone, since educating our children is one of the most valuable things we do. But how well do we pay most teachers?

Some of us are trying to lose weight in a social system that values pizza, chips and chocolate. It doesn’t work very well! Some of us are trying save for the future in a world that encourages us to spend, spend, spend. Again, it doesn’t work out well. You’ve got to know (and understand) the world and the systems around you.

3. Have a great map. To get any place, you must have the tools, skills, and strategies to get there. You need a reliable “map” to get from A to B.

For the world’s most successful people, a “map” is a an effective plan or strategy. The key word there is effective! Winners learn from other people, they buy, copy or learn the technique s. And, yes, they hire coaches! They know that any challenge can be achieved with the right tools. And, they know that mere effort or stubbornly going down a dead-end will lead nowhere. Get and use a good “map!”

4. Winners work hard. There’s no getting around this one. Biographies of people as diverse as Helen Keller, Andrew Carnegie, Eleanor Roosevelt, Charles Lindbergh and Bill Clinton emphasize their unstoppable energy! Whatever your politics, Barak Obama is a remarkable illustration of energy and hard work. He’s everywhere! These are passionate, creative, ambitious people who work all day long. Do something you love, and do LOTS of it!

To achieve extraordinary success, your Personal Achievement System™ must help you understand yourself and the world in which you live. High achievers see real opportunities and have effective “maps” or problem-solving systems so they can navigate efficiently (and quickly!) to any goal they set for themselves.

For help setting goals that really suit you, that fit and excite you and will keep you focused all year long, start with my (free!) Goal-Setting 101.
 And, if you request it, you also get 12 monthly email coaching reminders to stay on track, solve problems and achieve your dreams! Get your free copy (and encourage your friends to get theirs!at:  

4. Quotes of the Week

"People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success."
-- Norman Vincent Peale

"Success is neither magical or mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.”
-- Jim Rohn

"Everything's in the mind. That's where it all starts. Knowing what you want is the first step toward getting it."
-- Mae West

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
-- Helen Keller

5. Strictly Business: Your Partner Will Buy You Stuff

Every December, I remind business owners and CFO's (financial officers) to review their business de ductions for the year. If you use the calendar year as your fiscal or tax year, December 31st is a very important date.

Here are two important facts:

1. Depending on your tax rate, about 40% of everything you make will go to the Government, and the final accounting for most businesses comes on December 31st. The more you make, the more your "partner" will take in taxes.

2. Conversely, any legitimate business expenses you incur in the next three weeks come right off that tax bill. In the U.S., that means "Uncle Sam" is willing to chip in and pay for about 40% of whatever you buy for business purposes! Take advantage of that!

If you need new office equipment, a new computer, or routine office supplies, take action! For the next three weeks, they are "40% off!" If you can pre-pay some regular business expenses (insurance, rent, supplies or fees) by the end of the month, they come directly off your "bottom line" which means lower taxes in April.

Now, obviously, the expenses must be for legitimate business purposes. No cheating! And obviously you should check with your accountant or tax advisor for specific advice in your particular situation. But keep in mind that a few months from now you will pay taxes on every dollar of profit you make in 2009 and if you can legally reduce that amount by stocking up now, that's to your advantage. Think about it!

Want more info? I've got an article you might find helpful, along with dozens of others on my website. The article on year-end tax strategies is at: 

6. Resources and Tools for YOUR Success!

  #1 December Freebie of the Month:
      Goal-Setting 101™ PLUS 12 Months of Support!
      Imagine goals that fit! Goals that Empower You!
      Imagine Achieving Your Goals in 2010!
      It’s FREE at:

This is the coolest, most ambitious Freebie I've ever done! All you have to do is request it and you'll get:

1. My Goal-Setting 101™ ebook!
2. TWELVE months of Coaching Emails!
3. The option of LIVE Coaching Calls each month!
(Yesthere is a fee to participate in the live
      calls and you’ll get more info about that.)

For many people, goals are tricky. Most of us have set goals in the past. Unfortunately, too many people have "failed" because the goals they wrote down (sometimes under pressure) didn't truly reflect their highest aspirations and most important priorities. What a shame!

Goal-setting done right is the key to success! Over 7000 people have used this ebook in my workshops, seminars and on the web! It helps you set goals that are meaningful, powerful, and exciting for you! When you design the right goals, and stay focused all year long, achievement gets much (much!) easier! That's what this month's Freebie is intended to do. Get your copy now!

What have you got to lose? All I ask is that you "share the wealth" by sending an email to your friends and colleagues (how about your family and grown kids?) encouraging them to get their own copy at: 

  #2 Use a MasterMind to Achieve Your Goals
      Get the Support, Advice & Encouragement You Need
      We All Need a Little Help from Our Friends  

Every winning athlete, and s uccessful business person has a team of experts behind them. How would you like a team of hand-picked advisors committed to your personal success? What could you do with expert advice, wise counsel, and a network of successful people at your finger-tips?

Back in 1935, Napoleon Hill wrote that a “MasterMind” group was the one essential behind every successful person he interviewed! And yet very few people create a Mastermind team to help them achieve their most important goals in life! Now you can! Most people “don’t know how” or they fear they “wouldn’t know who to ask.” Now, I’ve written the manual! I’ve create a “recipe” so you can create your own MasterMind whenever you wish! I’ve included suggestions for where, when and how often to meet. I’ve even included simple scripts to get you started. Check it out!

If success is important to you, you MUST have a MasterMind gro up to help you “get there.” To get all the info, click here:

    #3 Think Right Now!
         The Best Tools for Personal Growth I've Found!

Many of you have purchased these audio programs to increase sales, set and achieve goals or improve health and fitness, and you know how good they are! My clients turned me on to these CD's several months ago and I'm incredibly impressed. I strongly urge you to jump on this! Top achievers in every field listen to audio programs. They imagine themselves winning, getting new records and living the life they truly WANT, and they do it by visualizing their victories in advance with the help of Mike's programs. These are fantastic, both for yourself and as gifts. Grab these!

   #4  Make Your Website EARN MORE!
         Earn Passive Income!

Over the years, I've paid lots of money for shopping carts, autoresponders and systems that were supposed to help me serve my subscribers and make money from my website. None of them worked, or more accurately they worked, but they were complex, confusing and didn't work very well. Then I discovered Don Schnure and the amazing programs he's put together. They work! They are powerful, EASY to use, and they let me automate my newsletter, my affiliate programs and my shopping cart, with no hassle! I love this! And, you can use it for 30 days to check it out. Highly recommended!

7. Humor: The Fickle Finger of Fame

Several people have sent me the following list, usually crediting them to Charles Schulz, the creator of the wonderful “Peanuts” comics. Wherever this quiz came from, it’s worth pondering. I hope you enjoy it! Take a moment to answer each of the questions, and r ead all the way through. I think you’ll find it well worth a moment of your time.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name five people who have won the Nobel Peace Prize.
5. Name last year’s Academy Award winner for Best Actor or Actress.

The point is, none of us remembers the headliners of yesterday. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List three teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. List three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Name someone who made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.


The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care.



   Be kind to yourself and to someone else, and
   have a wonder-FULL week!

Philip E. Humbert, PhD,
President, The Philip E. Humbert Group, Inc.

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Please Copy and Email This Note to Your Friends:

I've been getting a wonderful Newsletter from Dr Philip Humbert, a great success coach and motivational speaker. Every week he sends one of the best newsletters around, one of the few I actually read. It has a warm, personal touch with motivation, great business tips, quotes and even some nice humor! This month he's giving away a FREE report called "The Top 10 Tools for Maximum Personal Productivity." It's amazing how these simple skills help you get more done! I love it! The report breaks it down to a checklist of fundamentals for being more productive and best of all, it's FREE! I found it helpful and thought you would enjoy it, too. Get your copy at:

Dr Humbert is a Success Strategist, author and popular
speaker. Imagine what’s possible! To inquire about
having him speak to your group or organization, or
to schedule an initial consultation, contact him at:

Copyright (c) 2009, all rights reserved.
U.S. Library of Congress ISSN: 1529-059X
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copyright notice and full information for contacting
Dr Philip E. Humbert are included. Contact him at:  or email to

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