Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
December Tips for Extraordinary Living by Philip E. Humbert, PhD
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Written & Published by Philip E. Humbert, PhD
Visit our website at:
Table of Contents:
1. The One-Minute TIP
2. Welcome Notes
3. Your Personal Achievement System
4. Quotes of the Week
5. Strictly Business: Your Partner Will Buy You Stuff
6. Resources and Tools for YOUR Success!
7. Humor: The Fickle Finger of Fame
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1. The One-Minute TIP
To achieve extraordinary success, your Personal Achievement System™ must help you understand yourself and the world in which you live. High achievers see real opportunities and have effective “maps” or problem-solving systems so they can navigate efficiently (and quickly!) to any goal they set for themselves.
2. Welcome Notes
The holiday season is officially upon us and I wish each of you a wonderful, festive and peaceful holiday. TIPS subscriber around the world practice a rich variety of faiths, but I’ve noticed that whatever traditions we observe, almost every culture celebrates at this time of year. So this time, let’s make it extra special!
Whatever faith or tradition you follow, plan to go “all out” this year. It doesn’t take money to set aside time f or worship and thanksgiving, or to extend a hand to someone who needs it. In our home, we celebrate Christmas, so with love and respect for your own traditions, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and send best wishes for a New Year of peace, love and prosperity.
And on a practical note, I’ve got an extraordinary Freebie of the Month for you in December! This is the time we set goals for the new year, and the key is to set goals that excite and empower you. That’s why I started with my Goal-Setting 101™ ebook to help you design goals that will truly motivate you! If you’ve struggled with “New Year’s Resolutions” or goals in the past, I think you’ll like this! And, to make sure you achieve your goals in 2010, you’ll receive 12 monthly reminders to stay on course, stay focused, and mark your progress throughout the year! (There’s even an option to add monthly coaching calls!) It’s the most powerful Freebie I’ve ever do ne. Get yours at:
And as always, my only request is that you encourage friends and colleagues (anyone with goals for the new year) to get their own copy. I think you’ll like this!
3: Your Personal Achievement System (PAS)™
Whether we know it or not, we all have a system for reaching our goals.
When you wanted to learn to ride a bike, get married, start a business, invest for retirement or achieve any other important goal, you probably followed a plan that is “yours” because it’s what you “usually do.” Some of us instinctively join a group (does Weight Watchers™ come to mind?) or we seek a mentor (we ask “Uncle Joe” for advice), we go to the library, or we ponder the problem until we find a solution.
Whatever your system, the question is, Does it work for you?
Too many of us have systems that don’t work, or even worse, we have systems that work just “well enough” that we keep struggling with them. They are inefficient or unreliable. They lead us through dead-ends or too much frustration. High achievers have systems that are efficient, reliable, and help them reach their goals quickly!
I’ve pondered this issue for about 30 years, and while the answers are far more complex than we can cover in this short article, I think there are four basic components in every effective Personal Achievement System™. In looking at your system for 2010, consider these necessary steps:
1. Know thyself. About 3000 years ago, Socrates observed that we do not know ourselves very well. We have only the most basic insight to our strengths and weaknesses, our talents, our desires and our short-comings. Sometimes, we are mistaken about our abilities and limitations.
Sometimes we don’t take advantage of our natural talents because we fail to recognize them. Even more often, we stumble ahead, stubbornly ignoring our own limitations. Successful people know who they are. They know their strengths and use them to create lives of unusual achievement.
2. Understand your world. Too many of us are “tilting at windmills.” We may be trying to sell goods or services the world doesn’t want. Or, we are trying to charge for something the world doesn& rsquo;t value as much as it “should.” Teachers probably know this better than anyone, since educating our children is one of the most valuable things we do. But how well do we pay most teachers?
Some of us are trying to lose weight in a social system that values pizza, chips and chocolate. It doesn’t work very well! Some of us are trying save for the future in a world that encourages us to spend, spend, spend. Again, it doesn’t work out well. You’ve got to know (and understand) the world and the systems around you.
3. Have a great map. To get any place, you must have the tools, skills, and strategies to get there. You need a reliable “map” to get from A to B.
For the world’s most successful people, a “map” is a an effective plan or strategy. The key word there is effective! Winners learn from other people, they buy, copy or learn the technique s. And, yes, they hire coaches! They know that any challenge can be achieved with the right tools. And, they know that mere effort or stubbornly going down a dead-end will lead nowhere. Get and use a good “map!”
4. Winners work hard. There’s no getting around this one. Biographies of people as diverse as Helen Keller, Andrew Carnegie, Eleanor Roosevelt, Charles Lindbergh and Bill Clinton emphasize their unstoppable energy! Whatever your politics, Barak Obama is a remarkable illustration of energy and hard work. He’s everywhere! These are passionate, creative, ambitious people who work all day long. Do something you love, and do LOTS of it!
To achieve extraordinary success, your Personal Achievement System™ must help you understand yourself and the world in which you live. High achievers see real opportunities and have effective “maps” or problem-solving systems so they can navigate efficiently (and quickly!) to any goal they set for themselves.
For help setting goals that really suit you, that fit and excite you and will keep you focused all year long, start with my (free!) Goal-Setting 101™. And, if you request it, you also get 12 monthly email coaching reminders to stay on track, solve problems and achieve your dreams! Get your free copy (and encourage your friends to get theirs!) at:
4. Quotes of the Week
"People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success."
-- Norman Vincent Peale
"Success is neither magical or mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.”
-- Jim Rohn
"Everything's in the mind. That's where it all starts. Knowing what you want is the first step toward getting it."
-- Mae West
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
-- Helen Keller
5. Strictly Business: Your Partner Will Buy You Stuff
Every December, I remind business owners and CFO's (financial officers) to review their business de ductions for the year. If you use the calendar year as your fiscal or tax year, December 31st is a very important date.
Here are two important facts:
1. Depending on your tax rate, about 40% of everything you make will go to the Government, and the final accounting for most businesses comes on December 31st. The more you make, the more your "partner" will take in taxes.
2. Conversely, any legitimate business expenses you incur in the next three weeks come right off that tax bill. In the U.S., that means "Uncle Sam" is willing to chip in and pay for about 40% of whatever you buy for business purposes! Take advantage of that!
If you need new office equipment, a new computer, or routine office supplies, take action! For the next three weeks, they are "40% off!" If you can pre-pay some regular business expenses (insurance, rent, supplies or fees) by the end of the month, they come directly off your "bottom line" which means lower taxes in April.
Now, obviously, the expenses must be for legitimate business purposes. No cheating! And obviously you should check with your accountant or tax advisor for specific advice in your particular situation. But keep in mind that a few months from now you will pay taxes on every dollar of profit you make in 2009 and if you can legally reduce that amount by stocking up now, that's to your advantage. Think about it!
Want more info? I've got an article you might find helpful, along with dozens of others on my website. The article on year-end tax strategies is at:
6. Resources and Tools for YOUR Success!
#1 December Freebie of the Month:
Goal-Setting 101™ PLUS 12 Months of Support!
Imagine goals that fit! Goals that Empower You!
Imagine Achieving Your Goals in 2010!
It’s FREE at:
This is the coolest, most ambitious Freebie I've ever done! All you have to do is request it and you'll get:
1. My Goal-Setting 101™ ebook!
2. TWELVE months of Coaching Emails!
3. The option of LIVE Coaching Calls each month!
(Yes, there is a fee to participate in the live
calls and you’ll get more info about that.)
For many people, goals are tricky. Most of us have set goals in the past. Unfortunately, too many people have "failed" because the goals they wrote down (sometimes under pressure) didn't truly reflect their highest aspirations and most important priorities. What a shame!
Goal-setting done right is the key to success! Over 7000 people have used this ebook in my workshops, seminars and on the web! It helps you set goals that are meaningful, powerful, and exciting for you! When you design the right goals, and stay focused all year long, achievement gets much (much!) easier! That's what this month's Freebie is intended to do. Get your copy now!
What have you got to lose? All I ask is that you "share the wealth" by sending an email to your friends and colleagues (how about your family and grown kids?) encouraging them to get their own copy at:
#2 Use a MasterMind to Achieve Your Goals
Get the Support, Advice & Encouragement You Need
We All Need a Little Help from Our Friends
Every winning athlete, and s uccessful business person has a team of experts behind them. How would you like a team of hand-picked advisors committed to your personal success? What could you do with expert advice, wise counsel, and a network of successful people at your finger-tips?
Back in 1935, Napoleon Hill wrote that a “MasterMind” group was the one essential behind every successful person he interviewed! And yet very few people create a Mastermind team to help them achieve their most important goals in life! Now you can! Most people “don’t know how” or they fear they “wouldn’t know who to ask.” Now, I’ve written the manual! I’ve create a “recipe” so you can create your own MasterMind whenever you wish! I’ve included suggestions for where, when and how often to meet. I’ve even included simple scripts to get you started. Check it out!
If success is important to you, you MUST have a MasterMind gro up to help you “get there.” To get all the info, click here:
#3 Think Right Now!
The Best Tools for Personal Growth I've Found!
Many of you have purchased these audio programs to increase sales, set and achieve goals or improve health and fitness, and you know how good they are! My clients turned me on to these CD's several months ago and I'm incredibly impressed. I strongly urge you to jump on this! Top achievers in every field listen to audio programs. They imagine themselves winning, getting new records and living the life they truly WANT, and they do it by visualizing their victories in advance with the help of Mike's programs. These are fantastic, both for yourself and as gifts. Grab these!
#4 Make Your Website EARN MORE!
Earn Passive Income!
Over the years, I've paid lots of money for shopping carts, autoresponders and systems that were supposed to help me serve my subscribers and make money from my website. None of them worked, or more accurately they worked, but they were complex, confusing and didn't work very well. Then I discovered Don Schnure and the amazing programs he's put together. They work! They are powerful, EASY to use, and they let me automate my newsletter, my affiliate programs and my shopping cart, with no hassle! I love this! And, you can use it for 30 days to check it out. Highly recommended!
7. Humor: The Fickle Finger of Fame
Several people have sent me the following list, usually crediting them to Charles Schulz, the creator of the wonderful “Peanuts” comics. Wherever this quiz came from, it’s worth pondering. I hope you enjoy it! Take a moment to answer each of the questions, and r ead all the way through. I think you’ll find it well worth a moment of your time.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name five people who have won the Nobel Peace Prize.
5. Name last year’s Academy Award winner for Best Actor or Actress.
The point is, none of us remembers the headliners of yesterday. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List three teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. List three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Name someone who made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care.
Be kind to yourself and to someone else, and
have a wonder-FULL week!
Philip E. Humbert, PhD,
President, The Philip E. Humbert Group, Inc.
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I've been getting a wonderful Newsletter from Dr Philip Humbert, a great success coach and motivational speaker. Every week he sends one of the best newsletters around, one of the few I actually read. It has a warm, personal touch with motivation, great business tips, quotes and even some nice humor! This month he's giving away a FREE report called "The Top 10 Tools for Maximum Personal Productivity." It's amazing how these simple skills help you get more done! I love it! The report breaks it down to a checklist of fundamentals for being more productive and best of all, it's FREE! I found it helpful and thought you would enjoy it, too. Get your copy at:
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Friday, November 20, 2009
Helping to Fight Influenza Naturally
Beth Israel Medical Center
November 1, 2009
Special from Bottom Line/Personal
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Insanity; Doing the Same Thing Over and Over and Expecting Different Results
Does it make sense that issues related to our health are determined by politics (i.e. “big brother”)? Is doesn’t make sense to me. Click here to read the M-W Dictionary definition of the word “politics”; part of which includes the following wording,--“political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practice”.
It’s time for America to wake up. If we don’t, we are in danger of repeating the same mistakes that were made in the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak. Read what Pennington (2009), an emeritus professor of virology at Britain's University of Aberdeen had to say about the 1976 outbreak: “I think 1976 provides an example of how not to handle a flu outbreak, but what's interesting is that it made a good deal of sense at the time.”1
Insanity has been defined as “doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.” Political and financial gain appears to be the main motivation behind many decisions made by government. Ethics and actual concern for “the people” are, sadly, considered last, if at all.
Click here for another post I wrote in May of this year; The Swine Flu; All In Our Head?
Lest anyone reading this jump to conclusions that I am of one political persuasion or another,--I am not. I genuinely want the best for humankind. That is all.
1Harrell, Eben (2009).
How to Deal with Swine Flu: Heeding the Mistakes of 1976.
Retrieved from:,8599,1894129,00.html#ixzz0VqWJoeMv
Monday, August 3, 2009
TimeWise® Replenishing Serum+C
Friday, July 31, 2009
New Age Coupon Clipping
- Coupon Mom
- Smart Source
- CoolSavings
- Flamingo World
- Hot Coupon World
- Tech Bargains
- Coupons/Bargains
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Watch Your Mouth and Save a Heart
Exclusively for You...
It is within relationships that we grow as individuals in everything valuable, because it is through them that we become stronger and wiser, allowing us to realize a love that transcends our unseen self-limiting self-interests.
What do we have to do to change the balance sheet of our lives so that for every measure of impatience and intolerance there may be at least an equivalent sum of compassion and consideration?
Your willingness to work your way through the following special exercises -- striving to employ these higher ideals in your relationships with others -- will show you how to use each developing moment in your relationships with family, friends, and coworkers to consciously change your relationship with yourself.
1) Let anyone who wants to psychologically defeat you have his victory, and do it without revealing that you chose to give him the last word.
2) In any moment of consequence, be as willing to see that you may be wrong as you are convinced that you are always right.
3) Even when you know that you are solidly in the right, rather than rub it in, sacrifice your righteousness.
4) Should a sarcastic or unkind remark pop into your mind to tease, torment, or in any way "trash" another person, try swallowing it first to see how it tastes before you dish it out.
5) Let there be times when you don't tell someone everything you know about her problem, even if your understanding of it is better than hers.
6) When feeling displeased with someone, don't show your displeasure, and save any necessary correction for a later time.
7) There are times when the greatest strength (and kindness) one can possess is to allow another his weakness without pointing it out or otherwise punishing him for it.
Keep in mind that everything true we discover about ourselves enlarges our relationship with life.
-- Guy Finley
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Excerpted from Seeker's Guide to Self-Freedom, pages 159-162.
(click title to view product)
Monday, July 20, 2009
To Risk
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool,
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out to another is to risk involvement,
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas and dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return,
To live is to risk dying,
To hope is to risk despair,
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing.
He may avoid suffering and sorrow,
But he cannot learn, feel, change, grow or live.
Chained by his servitude he is a slave who has forfeited all freedom.
Only a person who risks is free.
The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
And the realist adjusts the sails.
Increase Your 3 Types of Energies
Increase Your Three Types of Energy
By: Brian Tracy
Most successful people can be characterized as having very high levels of energy. Since energy is the fuel with which everything is achieved, there seems to be a direct relationship between energy levels and levels of accomplishment. It is hard to imagine a tired, burned-out person achieving much in life. On the other hand, energetic, positive, forward-moving individuals seem to get and enjoy far more of the things life has to offer than does the average person.
Physical Energy is Basic
We have been led to believe that there is basically one kind of energy. We supposedly replenish this energy by sleeping at night, and during the day, we use it up again. It is as though we are machines powered by batteries, and each night we recharge our batteries for seven or eight hours. However, there are some problems with this view of energy. The biggest problem is that it does not deal with the fact that there are actually three different kinds of energy, each of which is necessary for maximum performance.
The three main forms are physical energy, emotional energy, and mental energy. Each of these energies is different, but they are interrelated, and they depend on each other.
The Sweat of Your Brow
Physical energy is raw energy, coarse energy, bulk energy, what we call "meat-and-potatoes" energy. Your physical energy is what you use to do physical labor. It is the primary energy applied by men and women who earn their livings by the sweat of their brow.
The Source of Enthusiasm
The second form of energy is emotional energy. This is the energy of enthusiasm and excitement. This is the energy that lends sparkle to the life of an individual. This is the energy that is necessary for feeling love, happiness, and joy. Largely, it is your emotional energy that makes life enjoyable for you. In fact, almost everything you say and do is determined in some way by an emotion, either positive or negative.
The Requirement for Creativity
Mental energy is the energy of creativity, of problem solving and decision making. You use mental energy to make sales, write reports and proposals, plan your day and your week, and learn new subjects. Your level of mental energy is a major determinant of the quality of your life.
Conserve Your Best Energies
The reason why most people fail to realize their potential in life and work is because they burn up their energy at the emotional level, or the physical level; therefore, they have very little energy left over for mental activities. Most people burn up their emotional energy through the expression of negative emotions. Negative emotions are like a fire that burns up their energy so quickly that they have very little left with which to think positively and constructively. In fact, one five-minute uncontrolled outburst of anger can burn up as much energy as an average person would use in eight hours of work.
Your job is to think continually about how you can stay calm and positive, and work smoothly and efficient, so you can have more mental energy to do the things that are most important to you in life.
Action Exercises
Here are three things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action:
First, take time to identify the different ways that you either use up or deplete your levels of physical, emotional and mental energy. How could you improve in each area?
Second, be sure to get plenty of healthful, nutritious food so you can keep your physical energy at high levels. This is the key to all other energies.
Third, look for ways to conserve your emotional energies by being more relaxed and optimistic in the face of daily problems and disappointments.
The more energy you have, the happier and more productive you will be.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A lady went to see her attorney about a divorce; and the lawyer asked her, “What’s the problem?”
She started rambling, and he said, “No, be specific!
She said, “Like how?” and he said, “Like, do you have any grounds?”
She said, “Oh yes, as a matter of fact we have about 40 acres out here on the North end of town.” And he said, “No, that’s not what I’m talking about! Do you have a grudge?”
She said, “No, but we got really neat little carport there, right on the side of the house.”
He said, “Woman! We need to make this personal!” And she said “Like how?”
And he said, “Well, like does that man ever beat you up?” And she said, “Oh no, I’m up every day an hour or hour and a half before he even turns over!”
And he said, “Well do you accept any responsibility for the difficulty?” And she said, “Like how?”
He said, “Well for example, do you ever wake up grouchy?” She said “Oh no, I just let him get up on his own, you know, whenever he will.”
And he said, “Well WHY do you want to divorce the man?”
And she said, “Well, the man just CAN’T communicate!”
Monday, July 13, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
"FREE" by Chris Anderson
If you've never read an on-line book, here's all you need to know: move your mouse (the hand) to the left side of the book page to "turn back", move your mouse to the right hand side of the page (hand/finger will point right) to turn the next page.
Click here to read Malcolm Gladwell's review.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A Travel Pro's Money-Saving Secrets
National Geographic Traveler
The travel industry does not make it easy for consumers to save money. Airfares, hotel rates and car rental rates fluctuate daily... hidden fees unexpectedly inflate bills... and historically high gas prices and a weak US dollar have made it even harder to plan inexpensive vacations. Still, there are ways for savvy travelers to save money...
Skip the hotel room. With hotel rates at all-time highs, lodging alone can burn through most of your vacation budget. Rather than overpay, consider these money-saving alternatives...
Time-share rentals. Time-share owners sometimes rent out their places when they cannot use them themselves. They often ask a fraction of what a hotel would charge for comparable lodgings. To find a time-share available for rent, check time-share rental and exchange Web sites, such as and Also, search the site for the region you intend to visit under the “Housing” section.
Home exchanges. Home-exchange organizations, such as and, help members swap homes for a week or two. These programs work best for people who live near popular tourist destinations. Membership in a home-exchange organization typically costs around $100 per year, but the savings on the accommodations more than pay for the membership if you take even one trip each year.
Campgrounds. Many people imagine dirt floors and outhouses when they hear “campground,” but some facilities offer clean, up-to-date cabins or rooms for rent so that guests sleep indoors, often for considerably less than a hotel would charge. Some rooms and cabins even include private bathrooms and wireless Internet access. Local visitors’ bureaus can help you find campgrounds in the region.
Shop online for package deals. You may have wondered if the package deals offered by online travel sites really do save you money. Often, they do., and purchase airline tickets, hotel rooms and rental car reservations in bulk at low rates -- and pass some of their bulk-buy savings along to customers who buy these services together.
These package deals can be considerably cheaper than anything you could find by purchasing airline tickets, hotel rooms and rental cars separately. Occasionally a hotel-and-airfare package actually is cheaper than airfare alone.
These sites’ package deals tend to be most attractive for travel to common vacation destinations, such as Hawaii, New York City, Orlando and Las Vegas.
Make a low bid for a rental car on before reserving a car. The Web site lets users bid for rental cars and other travel services. The site either accepts these bids or rejects them -- you have nothing to lose by bidding, because there’s no charge to do so. is particularly likely to provide great rental car rates.
The tricky part is deciding how low you should bid. Rental car prices vary greatly from city to city and even day to day, making it hard to determine a fair price.
I start by finding the best rental rate I can through major rental car company Web sites and 800 numbers. (Rental car companies often offer better deals over the phone than they do online.)
Next, I search for rental car deals on, a Web site that often has very attractive rates. I take the best price I have found and bid 30% less on Often, my bid is accepted. If not, I accept the best deal I have found
Also: Consider reserving an economy car, even if you would prefer something larger. Rental agencies often run out of economy cars and provide free upgrades to customers. This is not worth trying if you absolutely must have a larger car.
Upgrade your airline legroom for free. You might not have to ante up big bucks (or frequent-flier miles) for an upgrade to first-class legroom. Simply reserve a coach seat in the emergency exit row. This row typically has several more inches of legroom than other coach rows -- sometimes even as much as first class -- to make it easier for passengers to exit in the event of an emergency. A few airlines charge extra for exit-row seats, but most don’t.
When I am unable to reserve a seat in the emergency exit row, I ask the gate agent to place me on the waiting list for this row as soon as I check in for my flight. You must be able-bodied to sit in the emergency exit row and physically able to open the emergency door.
Bulkhead seats -- the seats at the front of a seating section -- typically also have extra legroom. However, bulkhead seats often are reserved for people with disabilities, families with young children and frequent-fliers.
Helpful: Buy airline tickets as early as possible this year. Many of the major American airlines are considering mergers. Airline mergers tend to reduce competition and increase prices, at least for a while. It is better to lock in today’s fares.
Eat lunch out but dinner in. Many restaurants charge about twice as much for dinner as they do for lunch -- even though the food is the same and the portions comparable.
Trim vacation costs by eating lunch in the fancy restaurants you want to visit but dinner in less expensive restaurants or even back in your room if you have a kitchen or can bring in takeout.
Look out for hidden fees. Virtually every company in the travel industry these days seems to be tacking on “hidden” fees. Cruise lines impose “fuel surcharges”... car rental agencies have become stricter about fuel “top off” fees... hotels add “concierge charges” or “resort fees.”
Scan the fine print of rental contracts and other travel documents for fee disclosures before signing. If you feel that a fee is not justified, say so -- you may be able to get it waived.
If fees are not stated in your documents, explain that you were not told about these fees and request that they be waived. If this request is denied, dispute the fee charge through your credit card company after your trip.
Consider using a travel agent for complex itineraries or a cruise. In this era of book-your-own-ticket Web sites, most consumers consider travel agents unnecessary. But an experienced travel agent can save you money on complicated international trips with numerous stops.
When consumers book complex trips on their own, they often suffer missed connections or other unforeseen complications -- these problems can be very expensive to resolve. Working with an experienced travel agent makes problems less likely and gives you an emergency on-call problem solver if something does go wrong.
Also, travel agents who are associated with large consortiums often have access to special rates for cruises and hotels that you couldn’t find on your own.
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Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Christopher Elliott, host of the television series What You Get for the Money: Vacations on the Fine Living Network. Based in Winter Springs, Florida, he writes a travel column for and serves as ombudsman for National Geographic Traveler.