I’m sitting here tonight wondering if being born a “thinker” is a blessing or a curse. I received an email from the CDC this evening restating the “level 5” status as the numbers of confirmed “H1N1” cases continue to rise.
Quite frankly, I’m puzzled by a lot of supposed “facts” surrounding this whole outbreak,--oh yeah,--I had better correct myself and say “pandemic.” Subsequently, it was with some interest that I read an article suggesting that pandemics start in our heads. Literally. Something called the Elliott Wave Principle. Hmmmm…..well, I suppose it’s possible……doctors now regularly dispense with such advice as “reduce your stress level” to people with heart problems; the now old “mind-body” connection once would have been considered heresy.
Well now. Being a thinker is no fun. It causes me to wonder how in the world “H1N1” suddenly re-appeared after 90+ years? Anybody have any ideas?
Then there’s another way to view the Elliott Wave Principle. Maybe it’s the other way ‘round. So many people died that the economic downturn was a result of, rather than the cause of the pandemic. And then, of course, maybe it’s all bull sh**. Maybe it’s a bunch of hype over nothing more than the flu. It’s true,--each time the “flu” hits, it has always mutated from the previous strain. This makes flu shots fairly ineffective in my humble opinion.
Regardless, I keep asking myself the question,…if it’s “much ado about nothing”……then why? This takes my mind in really weird directions. In my ideal world, there are no boxes, so nothing is “off-limits” to, well,…..think about. Thinking outside the box, I like to, as Hercule Poirot would have said, “exercise my little grey cells” by going to Alex Jones’ website. I don’t care if you’re not a thinker,--visiting his site is guaranteed to make you think, question and speculate. Unless you’re brain-dead, that is.
Or, how about a conspiracy theory? A good way to inject people with………what? Alaska is ready. They’ve already had a “practice-mass-dispensing-vaccine” day. A what??? Yep, you read that correctly. Hope they didn’t use up all the needles.
Mom was right. Time will tell. In the meantime, I think I should try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. It might keep the wolves,---I mean pigs and birds, from my door.